June 16. Youth Day SA.  WMFO Novena Day 4.  Focus on extended families. Deacon Morris had been one of the young people involved in the Soweto uprising of 1976. At this time as a grandfather and, in a sense the patriarch in the wider family, he looked back over the years, at the present reality for the youth and the future for the Church and the world.  He shared with the parishioners on the many changes he had experienced, political, economic, social and spiritual too.  “As today we consider the importance of caring for our close and wider families, a new more recent awareness is the need for Care for our Common Home as Pope Francis wrote in his letter LAUDATO SI.’ I can ask this question of everyone, older, and you young people too who are still on the threshold of life. ‘What kind of world do we want to leave to our children?‘  Let us pray every day that God will always find a place in this, his, earthly home.”

Reflect, share and act.   Scripture:  Our Father, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.  Mat 6:7-15.  Pope Francis  The sheer vitality and strength of personality combine in the hearts of young people to make them constantly aim higher. This exuberance will be tempered by time and painful experiences but it is important for this youthful and still untested yearning for the infinite to encounter the unconditional friendship that Jesus offers. Christus Vivit letter to youth 190.         

From WMOF CATECHESIS 4.  We all need each other. When children are young, they need us. Their everyday lives depend on us: food, clothes, body care, communicating, learning to live in the world. Even as adults, however, we all have the experience of depending on something and someone. We are always in need of help, love and forgiveness!  The blessing that God, in Jesus Christ, pours out on this bond of fraternity, expands in an unimaginable way. He renders it capable of overcoming all differences of nationality, language, culture and even religion. History has shown well enough, after all, that even freedom and equality, without brotherhood, can be full of individualism and conformism, and even personal interests. 3.