May 29.  Papa Jerome reflected, “After this month of reflection I believe I have learned much and grown in my faith, as a parent too, because we did make time to share as a family. Listening to you, young people can be refreshing if quite challenging.” Ma Brigitte added her thoughts too. “I have enjoyed browsing through this book of Sirach. Listen to this from chapter 42, “a daughter is a treasure that keeps her father wakeful and worry over her drives away rest.’ Then it ends with ‘better a man’s harshness than a woman’s indulgence, and a frightened daughter than any disgrace!” “Wow, when did he say that?” Emily wanted to know.       

While I was still young, before I went on my travels, I sought wisdom openly in prayer. Before the temple I asked for her, and I will search for her to the last.   From blossom to ripening grape my heart delighted in her.  I inclined my ear a little and found for myself much instruction. To him who gives me wisdom I will give glory. Sirach 51:12-20.  

Pope Francis:  Good habits need to be developed. It is essential to help children and adolescents to realist that misbehaviour has consequence.   They need to be encouraged to put themselves in other people’s shoes and to acknowledge the hurt they have caused.  AL 268.  Mary, Mother of Wisdom, pray for those seeking their way.