January 27.  The discussion about immorality and injustice in leaders continued at home.  “Maybe the leaders have those weaknesses all along, like all of us in fact, but when they have power it is very hard to correct them.  I admire people who own up to their mistakes. Maybe we all need stronger modern day prophets, people of integrity, in the Church and society, to own up and speak up in a just but a merciful way ,about others but themselves too.”

Reflect, share. Scripture: The prophet Nathan said to David, “Because by this deed you have utterly scorned the Lord the child that is born to you shall die.”  David said, “I have sinned against the Lord.” He prayed and fasted.  2 Samuel 12:1-17 Pope Francis:  Christian families, by the grace of the sacrament of matrimony, are the principal agents of the family apostolate, above all through their joy-filled witness as domestic churches.   Pastoral care for families needs to make it clear that the Gospel of the family responds to the deepest expectations of the human person, a response to each one’s dignity, fulfilment in reciprocity, communion and fruitfulness. Missionary conversion by everyone in the Church, is not content to proclaim a merely theoretical message without connection to people’s real problems.  AL200-1  Pray:  for greater support for the pastoral care for families and their  needs.  Choose appropriate action.