April 22. In their guidelines for the family faith sharing groups it was recommended that people should not be forced to share, initially at least. However as the gospel quotation for the day is many people’s favourite it would be a great opportunity for everyone to share their thoughts and feelings.  So this time each one was invited to share a thought, personal, intellectual, friendly or whatever.  Antonette kicked off, “I’m a head-person. I’ve been   studying reproduction in nature for some projects of my own. I am absolutely overwhelmed by the generosity and overabundance of God’s giving. In frogs, and many sea creatures millions of eggs are produced, most of which go to waste, unfertilized.  Have you tried to clean a watermelon or a pawpaw to put into a smoothy machine and see how many pips it produces? Each one could produce a new plant. I’m growing veggies and was intrigued to discover that my butternut plant has to have male and female flowers. Did you know that there are plenty of plants like that?  God, the creator, is amazing.”

Reflect, share, pray. Scripture: “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  John 10:10.      Pope Francis.  Everything is connected and this invites us to develop a spirituality of that global solidarity which flows from the mystery of the Trinity.  LS240.  By developing our individual God-given capacities, an ecological conversion can inspire us to greater creativity and enthusiasm, in resolving the world’s problems and offering ourselves to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable. LS220.   Action.  Invite people to share their thoughts and feelings about a favourite scripture passage, so as to give glory to God.    As today is Earth Day think about how to relate your passage to the earth too.