April 16. Easter 2A. Divine Mercy Sunday.  Fr Fidelis had a few thoughts to share with the people on this Sunday.  “How did the early church grow?” he asked.  “Were the disciples all fired up immediately?  No.  They needed extra help, right, like we all do, all the time.”   You could say that Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrating God’s mercy as an extra something but something that is always available to us.  There is a special devotion attached to this which is about our trust in God’s mercy for us, who acknowledge ourselves as sinners in need of mercy and forgiveness.  We, priests, have been given special sacramental powers to forgive sins in the name of God. In all humility I really wish more people would appreciate what that can mean for them. It can be a way of ‘touching’ Jesus  who heals and forgives.”    

Scripture. “Put your finger here and see my hands and put your hand and place it in my side; do not be faithless but believe.”  Thomas answered, “My Lord and my God.” John 20:19-31.  Pope Francis. I will never tire of insisting that confessors be authentic signs of the Father’s mercy. We do not become good confessors automatically.   We become good confessors when, above all, we allow ourselves to be penitents in search of his mercy.  FM 17. Reflect, share and act, pray. Is confession important in your lives?