February 28. Sunday Lent 2B.  Transfiguration.   Fr Brian reminded the congregation about the stories of God’s relationship with His people.  They are often family stories like that of Abraham and his son Isaac.  To test him God asked Abraham to offer the boy to him as a sacrifice. Fr Brian paused and looked down at the altar servers and asked, “Would your father do such a thing? I would hope not as we Christians no longer practise human sacrifice. But there are fathers who have to take responsibility for the suffering and death of their children, from neglect or hunger or try to force pregnant girls and women to have abortions. Is that so different? What makes us behave in life-giving rather than life-destructive ways if not a strong relationship with Jesus. Sometimes we need and are given signs to strengthen our faith like the three apostles who witnessed the transfiguration where they saw Jesus in a glorified form as a sign of hope for the troubled times that Jesus was warning them about.  As we reflect on the life of St Francis we remember his overwhelming love of the Crucified Jesus, who gifted him with the stigmata, the five wounds of Jesus on his own body, to allow Francis, with great love, to share in his suffering.”   

Jesus took Peter, James and John and led them up a mountain apart; and he was transfigured before them and his garments became glistening intensely white. Mark 9:2-11  

Pope Francis:  The primary reason for evangelizing is the love of Jesus which we have received, the experience of salvation which urges us to ever greater love of him. What kind of love would not feel the need to speak of the beloved, to point him out, to make him known?

Reflect, share, act, pray.  Share how the reflections this month have helped to appreciate the idea that “Love gives Families Life.”