January 28. Sunday 4B.   When Fr Obed studied the readings for this day he was pleased to have a chance to focus on the contrasting ways of life that Paul was speaking about to the Corinthians. Paul told them that the married man and woman are and should be concerned about worldly affairs and pleasing one another. Those living the consecrated life should be concerned about the affairs of the Lord.  Fr Obed said, “I know there was a time in the Church that the consecrated life was considered by many as superior to married life.  That is no longer the case. They are different and complementary. Each vocation is a calling to love and commitment to God in its own way. As parents do you consider which is best for your children or allow them the freedom to discern properly.” 

Reflect, share. Scripture:  Brethren I want you to be free from anxieties about the married and the unmarried. I say this for your own benefit not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord.   1 Cor 7:32-35. Pope Francis: Virginity is an eschatological sign of the risen Christ, marriage is a historical sign for us living in this world, a sign of the earthly Christ who chose to become one with us and gave himself up for us even to shedding his blood. Virginity and marriage are different ways of love.  Man cannot live without love, his life is senseless if love is not revealed to him.  AL 161. Pray: For a growing awareness of the vocation to love for everyone Choose appropriate action.