October 28.  Old Mrs Mason shared “I can remember when I was a child how we had many missionaries from Europe, priests, brothers and sisters, who had left their homes and their countries to come and teach us.  In those days they also hardly ever went back home. I still feel really grateful to them for that. Those were good and happy days for me.” “But now we also have missionaries from other countries especially in Africa in most of our dioceses.”  “I find it interesting that here and there you also find lay missionaries, but that is more in other Christian churches than Catholic ones.”  “I think anyone who gives of their time and their life for others deserves a great big thank you.”  Everyone agreed. 

Scripture:   Paul and Timothy.   I thank God in all my remembrance of you, thankful for your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.  Phil 1:1-11.  Pope Francis:     The work of handing on the faith to children, facilitating its expression and growth, helps the whole family in its evangelising mission. It naturally begins to spread the faith to all around them, even outside the family circle.   Children who grew up in missionary families often become missionaries themselves.   AL 289.