July 3.  Thomas. The members of the elderly in the BBT club sometimes invited a priest to offer Mass for them on facebook during these COVID restriction times.   In their sharing afterwards Paulina said, “when Father raises up the host at the consecration I always say those words, ‘My Lord and My God.’  They are words of worship but for me it is also a point of belief.  I pray that God will increase my faith.”  George added, “not having an opportunity for Mass face to face is a real challenge to my faith.”  Jess said,  “Talking of faith and seeing, as my sight has almost gone and as I walk around I can hardly see and I do certainly have to go “by faith and trust.” “There is something to be said for Seeing is Believing.” “I believe that blind street beggars can make quite a good living. makes one think.”

Jesus said to Thomas,” put your finger here and see my hands, and put out your hand and place it in my side.  Do not be faithless but believing.”   Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!”  Jesus said to him, “You have believed because you have seen me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” John 20: 24-29. 

Pope Francis. A family marked by loving trust, come what may, helps its members to be themselves and spontaneously reject deceit, falsehood and lies. AL:115.  Each year sees the disappearance of thousands of plant and animal species, which we will never know, which our children will never see, because they have been lost forever.  The great majority become extinct for reasons related to human activity.  LS33.