Watch out for our presentation LAUDATO SI – WITH FAMILY EYES on YOUTUBE at 10am. Link to follow. May 20. Day 5: Letting oneself be transformed by the Word: “You have already been pruned by the word…” (Jn 15:3) The Word of God is very close to us. It is a blessing and a promise of happiness. If we open our hearts God speaks to us and patiently transforms that which is dying in us.

Laudato Si’ 222.  Christian spirituality proposes an alternative understanding of the quality of life and encourages a prophetic and contemplative lifestyle, one capable of deep enjoyment free of the obsession with consumption.   We need to take up an ancient lesson found in different religious traditions and also in the Bible.   It is the convictions that less is more.  A constant flood of new consumer goods can baffle the heart and prevent us from cherishing each thing and each moment.  Christian spirituality proposes a growth marked by moderation and the capacity to be happy with little. 

 Christian Unity Prayer  Day 5.   Blessed are you, God our Father, for the gift of your word in Holy Scripture. Blessed are you for its transforming power. Help us choose life and guide us by your Spirit, so that we can experience the happiness which you want so much to share with us.