May 11.   Rufus was a prison warder. Sometimes he wondered why he had chosen that career but convinced himself that he could do something worthwhile for the offenders in his block and their families. Some warders were vindictive or corrupt but Rufus was determined always to be fair and just in his dealings with the men, some of whom were hardly more than boys. One of the best things he did was arrange for an Alpha programme for prisoners.  Many shared how they  could reflect on their lives and experience God’s presence. 

When the jailer woke and saw that the prison doors were open he drew his sword and was about to kill himself as he thought the prisoners had escaped. Paul cried, “do not harm yourself, we are here.” The jailer believed in the Lord and he and his family were baptised.  Acts 16:22-34.   Pope Francis:   Those who work in prisons are called to help those who have unfortunately fallen into the trap of evil to rise again and grow in hope. “The attitude of closeness and compassion finds its root in the love of Christ and can foster in many prisoners the trust, the awareness, and the certainty of being loved,” he stated. Address to prison personnel February 2019.  Mary, caring mother of prisoners pray for us.