March 1. The history of Human Rights month and HR Day in South Africa involves a commemoration of Sharpeville, a sad incident in South African history when many innocent people protesting over their rights, were killed by police. In today’s bible account Joseph, the favourite son of his father, Jacob, was also an innocent victim. He was abused by his brothers as they were jealous of him being his father’s favourite and given a special multi-coloured coat.  His brothers wanted to kill him to get rid of him but later relented and decided to just throw him in a pit.  He was later rescued, sold to travelling Ishmaelites and taken to Egypt. How do we treat foreigners amongst us and do we respect their rights? 

Reflect, share. Scripture: Read the relevant scripture passages.  Genesis chapter 37 tells a part of the story of Joseph and his brothers.  Matthew 21:33-45 tells a story of the son of the vineyard owner who was killed by the tenants out of greed.   Pope Francis:  Nowadays what do certain words like democracy, freedom, justice or unity really mean? They have been bent and shaped to serve as tools for domination that can justify any action.  FT 14. The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose. EG55. Laudato Si Action Platform goal 3. Ecological Economics.  Pray a Lenten prayer for families today, wherever  innocent members are abused while there is a striving for wealth and power. Choose an appropriate action..


For the complete MARCH overview and reflections go to

Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Human Rights are Family Rights. The right to life should be paramount and in some form it is present in most Constitutions: the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the Church’s Charter of Family Rights. Human life, as individuals, but also as family units, is precious from the first moment of existence until natural death. Rights extend to safety and protection from harm for all.  Concern for animal and plant life has become a growing issue for biodiversity, as we understand that “Extinction means forever”. A “culture of life” approach focuses on the perspective of justice, but also of love and positive relationships, as everything is connected. This focus on the common good can be a thread within the Lenten and Easter focus. Pope Francis:  Families and homes go together. We insist on the rights of the family and not only of individuals. Families have the right to count on an adequate family policy from public authorities. LS 44. The rights of some to free enterprise and market freedom cannot supersede the rights of peoples and the dignity of the poor, or respect for the natural environment, for to make something our own, it is only to administer it for the good of all.  FT 122 

Setting the scene. Lent is a particularly appropriate time for families to focus on their spirituality, both together and individually.  The eco-friendly focus on care of creation can be kept in mind constantly. They could come together at least once a week to share about their journey and pray for and with one another.  The synodality “Conversation in the Spirt” is a new approach to family faith sharing.  It consists of open sharing and listening from the heart, interspersed with prayer or Scripture.  Different activities can be added in family groups of different types and ages.  Becoming eco-friendly means keeping

Suggested family activities for the season.  Making palm crosses.  veneration of the cross, remembering our baptism,   making an easter garden, painting and decorating eggs   See. Stations of the Cross for Families.  Holding a Family Prayer/Paschal Meal,  Family Reconciliation service.   

LENTEN THEME: BECOMING ECO-FRIENDLY FAMILIES with prayer, fasting and almsgiving.