January 19. Mercy. Mercy is not an internal attitude only, it is a God-like divine quality that leads us to value life even over justice.   In his letter The Face of Mercy, Pope Francis continually describes Jesus’ way that goes beyond the law as he  practises mercy. In Fratelli Tutti Pope Francis uses the concept of fraternity as social friendship and God-like universal love, qualities similar to mercy.  But in real life whenever we hear of a serious crime and a judgement, or a person being granted parole, like Oscar Pistorius,  we hear people, often especially those closely affected, say, “I won’t forgive him.  I want him to rot in jail or in hell.”  Where is the call or the ability to practise mercy in that?  Reflect, share. Scripture: After King David had saved former king Saul’s life, Saul said, “You are more righteous than I, for you have repaid me with good, whereas I have repaid you with evil.  You did not kill me when the Lord put me into your hands.” 1 Samuel 24:2-20.   Pope Francis: Mercy is a concrete action of love. By forgiving it transforms and changes lives. In this way the divine mystery of mercy is made manifest. MM2.  “In the name of human fraternity, that embraces all human beings, unites them and renders them equal. In the name of justice and mercy, the foundations of prosperity and the cornerstone of faith…………… we declare the adoption of dialogue, mutual cooperation and reciprocal understanding.  FT 285 Pope Francis Document on Human Fraternity for world peace and living together.  Pray: to learn to be merciful when needed.  Choose appropriate action.