14th October.  Who is blessed?   There was something that really worried George. He wanted to know, “Is Jesus downplaying the role of his own mother? I don’t think that is fair.” “Maybe he was saying that just having a child isn’t the blessing but how we develop that motherly attitude and care for all children is.”  “Maybe one could say, “Both birthings make them godlike, being a birth-mother but in a special way, loving and caring for all vulnerable people. Those who can do that deserve our praise.” “Taking part in the annual Rosary Crusade brings Mary’s motherhood into a greater perspective. “

Reflect, share, act. Scripture   Jesus said.   “Blessed is the womb that bore you.” “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it.”  From Luke 11:27-28.   Pope Francis:  Families should not see themselves as a refuge from society, but instead go forth from their homes in a spirit of solidarity with others.  In this way they become a hub for integrating persons into society and a point of contact between the public and private spheres. AL 181In the depths of every heart, love creates bonds and expands existence, for it draws people out of themselves towards others. Since we were made for love, in each one of us a law of love operates. I cannot reduce my life to relationship with a small group, even my own family; I cannot know myself apart from a broader network of relationships, including those who have preceded us. As couples and friends we find that our hearts expand as we step out of ourselves and embrace others.  FT 88-89.  Pray: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your love, so that walking together we may renew the face of the earth.