January 10. Unclean spirit.  Rosemary had not chosen to become a sex worker.  As a teenager she had been lured into prostitution by the promise of a job as a way out of the poverty of her family.  At 18 she had become disgusted by the lifestyle. It was when by chance, she visited the local church and heard the powerful message that was preached, that she was challenged  to change.  “I can be made clean. Jesus remove this unclean spirit within me,” she prayed under the guidance of the sister at Mercy House who had become like a mother to her.  

Scripture.  You have made man/woman little lower than the angels, with glory and honour you crowned him/her. With authority he commands even unclean spirits and they obey him.  Mark 1:20-28.  Pope Francis:  We need to learn to pray over our past history, to accept ourselves, to learn how to live with our limitations and even to forgive ourselves, in order to have this same attitude towards others.  This assumes that we ourselves have had the experience of being forgiven by God and His love that is prior to any of our own efforts, a love that constantly opens doors, promotes and encourages.  AL 107-8. Reflect, share, act, pray.