NEEDS: Crucifix, holy water.

NEEDS: A crucifix and holy water.    

GREETING: In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

OPENING PRAYER: Jesus came to this earth as a baby, grew up and lived in a family home with Mary and Joseph. We pray that he will bless our home today with his presence and always be here among us.  May he help us to be a caring, loving family, share in our joys and support us in our sorrows.

SCRIPTURE READING:  You are God’s chosen ones. He loves you. You should be clothed in sincere compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Bear with one another, forgive each other as soon as a quarrel begins.  The Lord has forgiven you. You must do the same. Over all these put on love and always be thankful.   May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts.  Col 3:12-15


At the entrance pray:   O God protect our going and coming. Let us be generous and share the hospitality of our home with all who visit us.

In living room pray:  O God, give your blessings of peace and harmony to all who share this room so that we may enjoy our time, our eating and drinking and our togetherness here.  

In kitchen pray: God you fill the hungry with good things.  Send your blessing on us as we work in this kitchen, to prepare the food and drink we will share.  Make us always thankful for our daily bread and mindful of the needs of others.  

In bedrooms pray:  Protect us Lord, as we are awake and watch over us as we sleep so that we may rest in your peace.

In bathrooms pray: May we always care for our bodies and our minds that they will be clean and healthy.  

CONCLUSION. Together pray the OUR FATHER and conclude with the final prayer. “Be our shelter, Lord when we are home, our companion when we are away, and our welcome guest at all times. And as we pass on from this place receive us into your eternal home where we will meet again and live with you for ever and ever. Amen.