Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay, General Secretary, World Council of Churches writes in the Season of Creation Celebration Guide:. “Climate change and disasters are already upon us. The planet is in trouble and ‘creation is groaning’ as the Apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 8. In the midst of this, we are called to be responsible stewards and citizens as we care for and sustain the earth which belongs to the Lord. This is hope in action as we pray and yearn for a better and safer world for all people and creation. We each need to do our part for creation care.” (Download the Celebration Guide for many much useful information.

SAVE. An article in the MARFAM BECOMING ECO-FRIENDLY FAMILIES booklet article on SAVE notes: “This one word, “save” is interpreted nowadays in lots of different ways, sometimes useful but sometimes not. Common of course is my computer which constantly asks me to “save” or “don’t’ save.” Much of what I have saved over time is clogging up the works but then extra space is constantly being created to store all that saved stuff. Is it in the cloud or under the sea? Are you a hoarder, and should you be getting rid of, or giving away all the knick-knacks and dozens of useless items you have saved?
Maybe, a better use of the word is in saving money. It can and should be for a rainy day, for one’s old age, or for a special item one wishes to buy. This does happen but maybe less than before and how many parents encourage children from a young age to save a little? We buy on credit rather than save, even kids do. But credit is not unlimited and a day of reckoning is coming.

Reckoning applies to ecology and creation too, which is certainly in need of saving from destruction. Biodiversity loss of plants and animals should be addressed through saving. Human population is a very complex issue as growth is unbalanced nowadays, affecting the peace and harmony of established cultures. Some important old and well-functioning cultures are in need of saving from being overwhelmed by outsiders or newcomers who themselves have rights and needs.” A Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees is held on last Sunday in September, which is during this Season too, reminding us that GOD WALKS WITH HIS PEOPLE and inviting us to walk with migrants who are vulnerable and in one way or another seek to be saved.
Further reflection and discussion around the topic of saving and loss is important and necessary, even on this very day in the context of 9/11 and the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York in 2001.
In this time of global warming and resulting drought and poverty, is the reported plan by the Namibian government to cull over 700 wild animals in various reserves a responsible way to save starving human populations?

Some Simple Saving Strategies. 1. Save money: Buy less – of anything, airtime, make-up, bottled water, take-aways. 2. Save money: do a clothes swap – even ties, share items. 3. Save money: reuse containers, recycle or refill, 3. Save money: save, reuse and recycle paper.
Pope Francis: Each year sees the disappearance of thousands of plant and animal species which we will never know, which our children will never see, because they have been lost for ever. The great majority become extinct for reasons related to human activity. Thousands of species will no longer give glory to God by their very existence, nor convey their message to us. We have no such right. LS 33. Developing the created world in a prudent way is the best way of caring for it, as this means that we ourselves become the instrument used by God to bring out the potential which he himself inscribed in things. LS124.

ACTION AND PRAYER. There is a joke that claims that Jesus is computer-savvy, he saves constantly. But he saves us from our sins, our failures and ommissions. this requires us to do an examination of conscience. Saving is part of God’s plan of care, protection and Jesus’ mission. Reflect on and share on your understanding of the deeper meaning of saving and salvation. Why, what, who? Pray the eucharistic acclamation prayer, Save us, saviour of the world, for by your cross and resurrection you have set us free. TR. MARFAM WEEKLY E-NEWSLETTER 11 SEPTEMBER.

September 10. Effective Leadership. A Look at Life. The Covid pandemic which is still ongoing below the surface has led the whole world to a deeper reflection on matters of health and wellbeing. The most effective approaches towards these new health risks, the safety and efficacy of vaccines include the importance of effective leadership with its many medical and psychological concerns. Effective leadership issues continue to surface as in elections and establishment of new government structures. “How are leaders chosen these days?” This was a serious question for all communities, parish groups and families to discuss. Who chooses, how and why? If one looks around the world and the different countries and even organisations, do people lobby for support, bribe or give out food parcels to buy votes? Do we vote as a reaction against something or for someone who we believe will serve the common good? We can describe such people as “servant leaders.”
Reflect, share, act. Scripture: All night long Jesus continued in prayer to God. And when it was day he called his disciples and chose from them twelve whom he named apostles. He came down and stood with them and with a great crowd of his disciples. Luke 6:12-19. Pope Francis: We lackleadership capable of striking out on new paths and meeting the needs of the present with concern for all and without prejudice towards coming generations. LS53. There are too many special interests that easily end up trumping the common good and manipulating information so that the person’s own plans will not be affected. LS 54
Eco-tip and prayer: Get involved in a “leadership debate” on social media. Discuss servant leadership and pray for leaders with integrity in all spheres of life. Pray Glory be…………………..
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