Having been in this business for many years this week’s newsletter contains some content from former years as a parish catechist but also a family minister on the topic of the Assumption and patrons. . I have always believed in family catechesis in addition to, or instead of the weekly parish class at times. In my current life situation, I don’t have access to a class or a family but I do hope that some of the resources MARFAM produces are used in those settings.

The feast of the ASSUMPTION of Our Lady on 15th August, but transferred to the Sunday, is the patron feast of the Church in South Africa, and should be an important national celebration, but is mainly celebrated locally in dioceses, parishes, schools and especially ny the Missionary sisters of the Assumption a teaching congregation that has been in South Africa since 1849.
A meaningful message for this day was in the homily preached by Archbishop Mpambani of Bloemfontein in 2023 in which he reflected on the Magnificat.
“The Magnificat is the most revolutionary document in the world as it speaks of three revolutionary things that God has done,” said the Liaison Bishop for the Department for Formation, Life, and Apostolate of the Laity of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) He is now also newly elected as 1st deputy President of the SACBC. Hebegan, “It is said that the Magnificat is the most revolutionary document in the world, It speaks of three revolutionary things that God has done. “He scatters the pride in the plans of their hearts, that is a moral revolution, Christianity is the death of pride, why? Because if a person sets his life beside that of Christ, it tears the last remnant of pride from him. Christ enables the person to see himself through and through.”
Secondly Archbishop Mpambani said God “casts down the mighty” and “exalts the humble and that is the social revolution. Christianity puts an end to the world’s labels and prestige. When we have realized what Christ did for every person, it is no longer possible to speak about a common person.”
“Thirdly, he (God) has filled those who are hungry, those who are rich. He has sent empty away, and this is an economic revolution. A Christian society is a society where no one dares to have too much, while others have too little,” said Archbishop Mpambani. He concluded, “the meaning of the assumption is that of a culmination and a new beginning, with the assumption, the promises of the Lord were fulfilled in Mary.”

When considering the title of Mary as a queen and patroness this reflection on the Magnificat is particularly relevant. Who are the royalty in our country and do they model themselves on these qualities? Who are patrons – people with influence, and their followers? Are party political leaders patrons or are business moguls, or maybe sporting celebrities all of whom fund the lives and efforts of their followers, though handouts of different kinds?
In the attached documents a list of patron saints is provided, good, holy, men and women recognized for a particular quality and given for us to emulate in our own families and lives. St Maximilliam Kolbe is the saint of the day on 14th August. A priest imprisoned by the Nazis his generous gift was his life in place of another prisoner, a family man. The Catholic Church venerates him as the patron saint of amateur radio operators, drug addicts, political prisoners, families, journalists, and prisoners. In this time of teenage pregnancy concerns should we not promote St Maria Goretti or St Dominic Savio and other young saints as patrons for our teenage confirmandi? My patron saint St Anthony is noted in this list as patron for “forgetful people.” In a way that fits the bill for me pretty well these days. Toni Rowland 14 August 2024

August 14. Sibling relationships. The family and youth groups presented insights into sibling relationships too. Rayhab said, “Think of your own families. Is there rivalry between brothers or sisters and brothers, or jealousy, or resentment or possibly even sexual abuse or serious conflict for one or other reason? The intimacy in family units is unique among all other human relationships and should be cherished rather than abused.” Claire said “I personally admire the young people who manage their own child-headed homes, but I also know that they do need much more help then they get. It is not fair on teenage boys and girls to be responsible for younger siblings when they themselves have hardly developed their own personal identity. Sometimes children are just left behind in a different town, alone or with a carer or relative.”
Reflect, share, scripture: If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his faults between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen take others along with you that every word may be confirmed. Matt 18: 15-20. Pope Francis. We see the care and love that surround a little brother or sister who is frail or disabled. Children do need to be patiently taught to treat one another as brothers and sisters. This can be quite demanding and is a true school of socialisation. AL 195. ACTION AND PRAYER. Is there enough parental support for sibling relationships? What can be done?
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