July 26th. St Joachim and St Anne. Grandparents Day.  The president of the St Anne’s sodality sent out a special message to all the members. “Very little is known about this couple but tradition honours them as a loving couple and the parents of Mary, and so the grandparents of Jesus.  They therefore played a role in God’s plan of salvation.”  The Women of St Anne reflected and discussed many of the realities and implications. They agreed that not only women but men too are often quietly in the background offering their support and especially praying for their grandchildren. For some families, grandparents are much more actively involved and may even have the greatest role in bringing up their grandchildren. They also recognised that at times there are more than just two grandparents who play a role.  Pope Francis in his message recognises how a number the elderly experience loneliness and abandonment and invites everyone to pray for and take action.    

Reflect, share, scripture:  Let us praise illustrious men and women, our ancestors in their successive generations.  Their offspring will last for ever.  From Sirach 44.  Pope Francis:  The words, affection of simply the presence of grandparents help children to realise that history did not begin with them, that they are now part of an age-old pilgrimage and that they need to respect all that came before them. AL 192 “Do not cast me off in my old age.”   God never abandons his children, even when our age advances and our powers decline, when our hair grows white and our role in society lessens, when our lives become less productive and can risk appearing useless. Using the OT example of Ruth who remained with her mother-in-law let us show tender love to the elderly and remain close to them as they play their unique role in the family, society and the Church.  2024 Message.    ACTION AND PRAYER.  Use the Grandparents and grandchildren prayer and blessing and promote the MOVEMENT OF PRAYER OF GRANDPARENTS FOR THEIR GRANDCHILDREN.     Download from www.marfam.org.za