Angels watched and listened intently when at supper in the house of Lazarus Mary poured costly ointment over his feet and wiped them with her hair. “This is for my burial” Jesus said sending a flutter of anxiety to the listening angels. This deepened as they accompanied him going into the Temple, God’s house, and watched with concern as he overturned the tables of the money-changers and chased the traders away. They knew well the honour and respect that was due to God’s house and how it was being desecrated by human greed and they were proud to be his companions and nodded in agreement as he accused the traders, “You have made my Father’s house into a den of thieves.” Read, reflect, share, pray. John 12:1-11.Matt21:12-13
Pope Francis: We are in the days preceding Easter. We are preparing to celebrate the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over sin and death – over sin and death – not over someone and against someone else. But today, there is a war. Because there is something to be won this way, according to the way of the world? This is only the way to lose. Why not allow Him to win? Christ bore his cross to free us from the dominion of evil. He died so that life, love, peace might reign. (Angelus, Palm Sunday)
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