Lord, open our hearts to those we do not see.  

The lawyer asked, “Who is my neighbour?” (Lk 10: 29)

Reflection, The lawyer wanted to justify himself, hoping that the neighbour he is called to love is one of his own kind, social status and outlook, which a natural instinct towards familiarity.   This is true of our church communities too.  Jesus invites us to go deeper and accept our obligation to welcome and love all our fellow Christians. The Gospel teaches us that loving those who are like ourselves is not extraordinary.   Jesus steers us towards a more radical vision.  He expects us to open our hearts and walk in his way.   He asks the lawyer “who was a neighbour to the man who had been attacked?”  In our world today insecurity and fear lead us into mistrust and uncertainty about our relationships with others and willingness to respond to their needs. 

The world of creation beyond our religions is made up of families where parents love and care for their own children and learn to love others too.     

Prayer for Unity, Families and Life.

God of love, Who write love in our hearts, instill in us the courage to look beyond ourselves, and our human relationships. Help us to see the neighbour in families, people and creatures different from ourselves, As Christians may we truly follow Jesus Christ, our brother and our friend, who is Lord, for ever and ever. Amen.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE SPECIAL PRAYER SEASON :12-26 MAY CHRISTIAN UNITY WEEK, INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE FAMILY 30 ANNIVERSARY AND LAUDATO SI WEEK. go tohttps://marfam.org.za/2024/05/10/commemorations-of-christian-unity-family-and-climate-and-laudato-si-week/