May 30. Ophelia and her friends shared, “I do have a soft spot for beggars, I just can’t turn away, especially a father with a child.” “One of the beggars I regularly come across is a blind man who stands at the same intersection with a young girl.  Is that their job?” “Some people could think that these cases are set up to call on our sympathy, but in reality there also so many genuine cases that need help.”  “I even sometimes wonder if I offered to take the blind man to an eye doctor if he could be helped.”  “You’re either mad or a saint!”

Reflect, share, scripture: Bartimaeus , a blind beggar was sitting by the roadside.  When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!.” And many rebuked him telling him to be silent.  MK 10:46-52.  Pope Francis: The poor become a film clip that can affect us for a moment, yet when we encounter them in flesh and blood on our streets, we are annoyed and look the other way. Haste prevents us from stopping to help care for others. The parable of the Good Samaritan (cf. Lk 10:25-37) is not simply a story from the past; it continues to challenge each of us in the here and now of our daily lives. It is easy to delegate charity to others, yet the calling of every Christian is to become personally involved.  World Day of the Poor 2023 .   ACTION.  What can you and your family do?