May 22. Laudato Si Week.   Belinda shared that she was quite shocked one day when she was saying the “I confess” and she suddenly realised that the words “I have greatly sinned in what I have done and in what I have failed to do” applied to her personally too. Not doing my chores, my homework, or making a promise and not keeping it really do hurt my relationships with others, my mom and dad and everyone in our family, apart from my relationship with God.   Littering and waste – i.e. not saving, harm my relationship with our earth.  Some of these sins are greater than others and it often depends on how much harm they do to our relationships of trust.

Reflect, share, Scripture:  Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it for him it is sin.  James 4:17. Pope Francis:   the natural environment has been gravely damaged by our irresponsible behaviour.   The social environment has also suffered damage. Both are due to the same evil: the notion that human freedom is limitless. LS 6. ACTION. Discuss sinfulness in the context of environmental neglect.  Let us pray:  As families let us be seeds of hope in our lives and our world, rooted in faith and love.