March 8.  As the senior member in the family, around the half-way mark through Lent, Hosea led the sharing.  He first  explained the sharing technique they could use, where each one has a chance to share from the heart while the rest listen without comment or questions.  Then at the end we together consider if there is any action we can take.  He started by saying, “I don’t know whether we really value what God has to offer. He continues to beg us to come back to him, telling us he has more to offer then the “idols” we make for ourselves. Are glamour, money, rich friends, going to parties really what people want? I’ve been thinking that my own particular idol is being a workaholic.” As today is International Women’s Day that is something we in our families can reflect and share about too. Pope Francis recommends that this coming weekend be a time to promote the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Reflect, share. Scripture: Read the relevant scripture passages.  O Ephraim what have I to do with idols? It is I who answer and look after you. Whoever is wise let him understand and know, for the ways of the Lord are right and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them.  Hosea 14:1-9. Pope Francis:   One of the most important tasks of families is to provide an education in hope.  This does not mean preventing children from getting the latest electronic devices but rather finding ways to help them develop their critical abilities and not to think that digital speed can apply to everything.  Postponing desires does not mean denying them. When children are not helped to realise that some things have to be waited for they can become obsessed with satisfying their immediate needs. AL 275.   LSAP 6.  Ecological spirituality.    Pray a Lenten prayer.  God of Love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are a family, a community of love. Be our model and inspiration in caring for all of creation.  Choose an appropriate action.