March 3. Sunday Lent 3B.  Fr Obed began in his usual straight-to-the-point manner. “All scripture readings give us food for thought and action. The season of Lent also reminds us of the need to make sacrifices and purify ourselves. In the 1st reading from the book of Exodus the Ten Commandments are presented. Living according to them and using them as an Examination of Conscience before going to Confession is a helpful way of purifying ourselves in our Lenten commitment. The gospel is the very dramatic story of the purification of the temple, giving us a different picture of Jesus than we usually see.  Here he shows anger, evicts the traders and even overturns their tables. I would like you to consider who Jesus is to you, a legislator, a gentle preacher, an activist, a compassionate healer? Share on this at home and if you’re planning your Lenten confession consider how good it would be to have a Family Reconciliation moment at home too.” 

Reflect, share. Scripture: Read the relevant scripture passages. 1. Exodus 20:1-17, the commandments.   2. “Take these things away, you shall not make my Father’s house a house of trade.”  His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will consume me.” John 2:13-25. Pope Francis  It should be acknowledged that among the most important causes of the crises of the modern world are a desensitized moral conscience, a distancing from religious values, individualism and materialism in place of supreme and transcendental principles.  FT 275. LSAP goal 6. Ecological spirituality. Pray a Lenten prayer acknowledging our need for self-purification. . Choose an appropriate action.