August 25. Extended family.   The issue of extended families came up for discussion too. One married woman shared her frustration that she found her husband more concerned about his parents and siblings than about her. “Maybe that is why I don’t get on well with my mother-in-law,” she said.  Another woman shared, “My mom-in-law is a treasure, I love her to bits,” The men listened with interest, for most of them this issue of mother- and daughter-in-law was somewhat of a mystery. 

Reflect, share, act. Scripture Ruth said to her mother-in-law,  “Wherever you go I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge, your people shall be my people and your God my God.” Book of Ruth.  Pope Francis. The larger family includes in-laws and all the relatives of the couple. One particularly delicate aspect of love is learning not to view relatives as competitors, threats or intruders.  Marriage demands respect for their tradition and customs, an effort to understand their language and to refrain from criticism, caring for them and cherishing them while maintaining the legitimate privacy and independence of the couple.  AL 198