August 20.   20th Sunday Assumption, patron feast of South Africa.  Fr Joseph spoke about the many different images we have of Mary. He asked, “Is she a patroness to you, and in what way?  I am asking you when you get home to share your own devotion to Mary with your family.  Different people see her as a powerful queen, a mother, a sorrowing mother, at times possibly angry at events in her life and that of her son.  She had experienced exile, and losing a child is very painful as some have also experienced. Some like the “gentle woman” that we see on Christmas cards.”   The sharing at home was enlightening and all agreed with the words she herself used, “The Lord has done great things for me” and they agreed a patroness can be all those things.  Every family could pray together regularly,   “Mary, Queen assumed into heaven, patroness of South Africa, pray for us.”   Feattured image is from Benedict Daswa’s home church.

Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has regarded the lowly estate of his handmaiden.  For behold henceforth all generations will call me blessed: for he who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is his name.  Luke 1:46-49. Pope Francis: Mary, Virgin and Mother, you who moved by the Holy spirit welcome the word of life in the depths of your humble faith as you gave yourself completely to the eternal One, help us to say our own “yes” to the urgent call, as pressing as ever to proclaim the good news of Jesus.  From EG 288.