October 10. After listening to Fr Pius’s sermon on gratitude and mission there was some honest sharing.  “I don’t think you children really appreciate what we do for you,” Mom started rather aggressively, “I’m tired of being everyone’s taxi.”  “No one ever thanks me for doing the dishes and feeding the dogs.  It does take effort you know.” After some time when everyone had a turn Mom again asked how they felt after having a chance to share. “Some families I know are better than we are at doing this, but do you think we have been wrong in not expressing our thanks regularly? Can we change our ways and from now on do you think we could all try harder to say “thank you” to one another, and of course really mean it.” Dad added,  “And what about saying thanks and showing appreciation to other people when they give us things or do things for us too.”

Scripture:This generation is an evil generation.  As Jonah became a sign to the men of Nineveh so will the Son of man be to this generation. The men of Nineveh will rise in judgement with this generation for they repented.” Luke 11:29-32.    Pope Francis on “thank you” continued:  The strengthening of the will and the repetition of specific actions are the building blocks of moral conduct; without the conscious, free and valued repetition of certain patterns of good behaviour moral education does not take place.  AL 266.