25th December. CHRISTMAS DAY, the birthday of Jesus. Praising God and singing for joy with the angels is what we can and should do on this day in a special way if we have done our best to prepare during these weeks. “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of goodwill because today a Saviour has been born to us; he is Christ the Lord. “ Luke 1:14. The name Jesus means Saviour, i.e. something active, but can also understood as gift. God’s merciful gift of love that he gave to us at Christmas in the Incarnation is not only an abstract something but a person, God’s Son who is also our brother and friend. He came as a humble helpless baby. He lived a simple life in a small country mixing with ordinary people but showed us the way of unconditional love and complete self-giving by his life and finally his death. His Resurrection completed God’s plan of salvation and paved the way for us for eternal life and happiness. How can we show our love and thank him for this amazing gift?

The greatest gift a person can give is to give his life for his friends. John 15:13. Pope Francis. The mission of Jesus received from the Father was that of revealing the mystery of divine love in its fullness. Everything in him speaks of mercy. Nothing in him is devoid of compassion. From MV8. Reflect and Share. LOVE CAME DOWN AT CHRISTMASTIME is MARFAM’s other publication for this time built around the life and experience of St Francis and how he built a Christmas crib for the poor people in the village. As they celebrated Midnight Mass there, they had a real experience of the presence of baby Jesus.


Dear Loving God, Christmas is a time for giving, loving and caring. At time for being with others, having fun and sharing.

You gave Your Son, Lord Jesus, to save us from our sins And to learn to live in such a way that everybody wins.

We thank you for your kindness and showing us the way Help all the people in the world to follow you each day.

May every man and woman and every girl and boy Be honest, generous and fair to bring each other joy.

Bless all the lonely people, and bless those who are ill. Bless everyone who care for them, and those who pay the bill.

Bless those who have no homes, or have no food to eat And as we serve each other so in heaven may we meet. Amen.