November 5. The parish community was very sad when their old missionary priest died. Having come from Germany he had served them, inspired and helped them in countless ways for more than 40 years.  At his Requiem Mass the catechists paid a tribute to him and his work for more than 3 generations of families.  Danny, one of his older altar-servers shared, “Father was a real example to me. I was very happy that he shared his love of nature and excited that he taught our family the art of beekeeping.”

“On some points I have written to you very boldly by way of reminder because of the grace given me by God to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the priestly service of the gospel. So that the offering of the Gentiles may be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15: 14-21. Pope Francis:  The Church has a public role over and above her charitable and educational activities. She works for the advancement of humanity and of universal fraternity.  She offers herself as a family among families.  FT276.  Reflect, share, act and pray