June 27. Sunday 13B.    Fr Brian had prepared a special Mass focusing on youth and families at the end of this special month.   He wanted to know what the different talks, reflections and discussion had done for them.   Did they feel criticised or energised, encouraged or frustrated with their church and their faith?   “I know this is very serious question I have to ask.   In the theme of the Mass today we learn that God is the God of life, on the side of life and not death.   God wants us to have a full life, not just having lots of fun, but also to grow and develop as persons with goals and hopes and dreams that become a reality.  Are you growing closer to God and to those around you?  Are you becoming more environmentally aware?   So is your faith enhancing your life?  Please think about that and please share on that with your families too as a special gift to one another. 

God did not make death and he does not delight in the death of the living.  For he created all things that they might exist and the creatures of the world are wholesome. Wisdom 1:13-15. 

Pope Francis: The pain, uncertainty and fear and the realization of our own limitations, brought on by the pandemic have only made it all the more urgent that we rethink our styles of life and our relationships, the organisation of our society and above all the meaning of our existence.FT33.