15 June.   Every year around the day of commemoration of the 1976 Youth uprising the different youth groups, altar servers, choirs, Children of Mary, young adults, and confirmation candidates organised an event and invited the rest of the parish youth who were not actively involved to join them.  There had to be music and dancing of course but because of a number of problems that had been experienced in the area they decided to have a workshop too on Youth and the Law to be presented by one of the dads, a prosecutor in the High Court. They had already prepared for this through discussion in their groups and families that made it more exciting because the youth and the parents wanted to know and understand the law and how the spirit of the kingdom would come across. “Do people always tell the truth in court?”   That was a relevant question in the light of all the corruption cases that have come before the law. 

Reflect, share, scripture: Do not swear at all. Let what you say be simply, yes or no.   Matt 5:33-37  Pope Francis:  Pastoral care for families needs to make it clear that the Gospel of the Family responds to the deepest expectations of the human person, a response to each one’s dignity and fulfilment in reciprocity, communion and fruitfulness. This consists not merely in presenting a set of rules, but in proposing values.  AL 201    ACTION AND PRAYER.  Share and pray for the youth of our world, that their future will be secure.