August 9.   Women’s day. SA.  Rayhab, the facilitator, took up a new topic. “Today we look at the fact that all religions from the most primitive until today have certain laws, rules, norms and standards, in other words a moral code. To live a good life as an individual man or woman or also as a couple demands sacrifices.  Today we focus particularly on you women, your joys and your crosses. The group members were given time to think and share.  “I think I have carried my cross with dignity.”  “My cross is still very hard.”   “My cross was taken away from me after we joined AA and Alanon to deal with the alcohol abuse in our home.”  “I thank God that our marriage is good, but pray to him to give me strength.” “My children are my joy but also my cross.”

Reflect, share, scripture:  If any man or woman would come after me, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.  Matt 16:24 (using inclusive language).   Pope Francis: Families often experience problems when one of their members is emotionally immature because he or she still bears the scars of earlier experiences.  An unhappy childhood or adolescence can breed personal crises that affect one’s marriage. AL 239.   ACTION AND PRAYER


Almighty God, You are father and mother to us, your children. We thank you for the particular and special gifts you have given to women,  the gift of nurturing life, of sustaining and supporting life, the qualities of compassion, commitment, generosity and a willingness to share.

As they progress towards their rightful place in society we request your blessing on all women      that they may continue also to hold their rightful place in the family.     that women and men together may build a society which will bring about the Kingdom You have promised us.

We call on Mary, the Mother of Jesus, who nurtured and cared for her son and now reigns with Him in heaven     to inspire the women of South Africa,     to pray with them in their joys and in their struggles,     and to intercede for them with her Son. Mary, Queen assumed into heaven, patroness of South Africa, pray for us.