May 16. Household conversion. “How powerful was the preaching of Paul to make people believe, or was it because of miracles and signs, like the gates of their prison opening miraculously?” The group discussed the question amongst themselves. Maysie was intrigued that a brilliant preacher could convert a whole household. “Who are the most sceptical amongst us, or the easiest to be influenced? Old, young, women?” Some older women didn’t quite dare to voice their opinions but knew that a powerful preacher could make a great impression especially on the youth. Mr Anderson told the group, “Pope Francis has this important message, for youth and for preachers, ” “Dear young people, Put on Christ in your lives. Christ awaits you in his word, listen to him. Christ awaits you in the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist. You can be joyful witnesses of his love, courageous witnesses of his gospel carrying to this world a ray of his light. Let yourself be loved by Christ, he is a friend that will not disappoint.” Chrisius Vivit…….
Reflect, share, act. Scripture. After their preaching Paul and Silas were attacked by the crowds and magistrates and put in prison. At night an earthquake shook the building and the prison gates opened but they did not escape. When the jailer found them praying and singing hymns he was overwhelmed by their faith. Paul told him “ Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household. The jailer washed their wounds and took them to his house and they were baptised. Read Acts 16:22- Pray. Pray. Mary, Mother of those imprisoned pray for them.
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