Lord God, who set the moon and the stars in place and gave us your only begotten Son, the Light of the world. Through the light of his presence, heal our wounds and renew our strength. Let the fire of Pentecost melt our stubbornness, reveal all that divides, and set us in the path of unity; to the glory of your mighty name. Amen.
May 30. Week of Prayer for Christian unity. Theme: The presence of Christ, turning the world upside down: Matt 2:3 “When king Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him” Reflect, share, act. Today, we are invited to commit ourselves to the constructive action of making justice a reality in our world. This implies the need to reflect and acknowledge the instances when our ways are not God’s ways of justice and peace. When Christians work together for justice and peace our efforts are more powerful. And when Christians work together in this way, the answer to our prayer for Christian unity is made visible such that others recognise in us Christ’s presence in the world today. Through our words and actions, we can bring the light of hope to so many who are still living in the darkness of political unrest, social poverty, and structural discrimination. The Good News is that God is faithful, and He is always the one strengthening us and protecting us from harm, and inspiring us to work for the good of others, especially those living in the darkness of suffering, hatred, violence and pain. Pope Francis: For Christians all the creatures of the material universe find their true meaning in the incarnate Word, the Son of God. LS 235 Pray for Reformed Churches
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