March 3. “Go sell what you have and give to the poor.” Patrick and Patience were a wealthy couple. They blessed God for their successful business plans, achieved through their hard work and some wise investments. As committed Catholics at the same time they felt sad that Jesus always seemed to condemn “the rich.” Together they addressed a Justice and Peace meeting saying, “Let us acknowledge that things are much more complicated in our day and we, as the Church in the home, need good economists, honest politicians with a well-formed spirituality. We should all focus on the common good to chart the path forward towards greater economic wellbeing for all the families in our country as well as the environment.” As a result of this presentation a Catholic business forum study group was initiated. To prepare for Lent they were referred to the MARFAM resource document and the SACBC booklet
Reflect, share and act. Scripture: Go sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come follow me. His countenance fell and he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions. Jesus said to his disciples, “How hard it will be for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!” MK 10:17-27. Pope Francis: Recognising that all people are our brothers and sisters and seeking forms of social friendship that include everyone demands a commitment to devise effective means to this end. Individuals can help others in need. When they join together in initiating social processes of fraternity and justice for all they enter the field of charity, at its most vast, working for a social and political order whose soul is social charity. FT 180. JUBILEE. Whenever a person thinks, questions and reflects on his or her true identity, strives to understand the deeper questions of life and to seek God, or experiences the thrill of catching a glimpse of truth, it leads to the realization that our fulfilment as human beings is found in love. In loving, we sense that we come to know the purpose and goal of our existence in this world. In contemplating the meaning of our lives, perhaps the most decisive question we can ask is, “Do I have a heart?” DN 22.
Prayer and action. Explore the importance of ecological economics and social charity.
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