February 19. The Scripture scholar explained that the Bible is a library of books of different types. Although we believe that the writers were inspired by God’s Spirit there are some limitations as they were written within the context of the time.  Context is important in all things also in our family structures and behaviour patterns. It can be hard even for a loving family to accept the weaknesses of its members.  

Reflect, share. Scripture The Lord said in his heart, “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth.  Gen 8:6-13,. 20-22. Pope Francis. God does not deny justice. He rather envelopes it and surpasses it with an even greater event in which we experience love as the foundation of true justice.  MV21. JUBILEE.  This in no way implies an undue reliance on our own abilities. Let us never forget that our hearts are not self-sufficient, but frail and wounded. They possess an ontological dignity, yet at the same time must seek an ever more dignified life. To live in accordance with this dignity, it is not enough to know the Gospel or to carry out mechanically its demands. We need the help of God’s love. Let us turn, then, to the heart of Christ, that core of his being, which is a blazing furnace of divine and human love and the most sublime fulfilment to which humanity can aspire. There, in that heart, we truly come at last to know ourselves and we learn how to love.  DN30.  Prayer and action.  Pray for deeper love of the heart of Jesus.  Choose appropriate action.