August 5. Inclusive language.  Martin opened up the topic of a look at exclusive or inclusive language. “Let’s take a look at the rally in the gospel and these 5000 men, besides women and children. Would they really have gone without taking any provisions with them?   That seems a very unwomanly thing to do.  Was there only one woman or 22 or could it have been a man who brought some loaves and fish, or a child given them by his mom?   The story illustrates God’s concern for us, for our human needs and spiritual needs, because they were not expecting to be fed.   The fact that the gospel notes 5000 men first and then adds the others shows the world-view of the time.  Women were not on an equal plane with men.  In other instances Jesus himself does challenge gender stereotypical  thinking.

Reflect, share, scripture:  Jesus said, “They need not go away,   You give them something to eat.” Those who ate were about 5000 men, besides women and children. From Matt 14:13-21. Pope Francis: Certain forms of feminism have arisen which we must consider inadequate we must  nonetheless see in the women’s movement the working of the Spirit for a clearer recognition of the dignity and rights of women. AL 54 ACTION AND PRAYER.  Do we as the  human family respect the rights and dignity of other creatures sufficiently or manipulate them for our interests? .