“A healthy mind in a healthy body” This ancient Greek philosophy of Hippocrates still applies in our day, as well as his comments on the connection of mood, health and happiness, which after all involve a degree of decision-making.   

Food, habits and behaviour can and do influence our health and our happiness. Wellness is almost a religion in our day. Whether considering that health makes us happy, or the opposite, that happiness brings health – mental, physical and spiritual too, both can be ways to become eco-friendly.

Money must play a role, in providing food security as a minimum but what and how it is spent can matter to the level of enjoyment as well as to our health.  Can one afford bottled water which should be safer to drink and how necessary is that, but considering the environmental cost of plastic bottles?  It is true that for rich or poor, how and what we eat and our lifestyles will make a big difference. Taking care of our bodies by how we treat them, what we put into them and through optimum, and not excessive,  exercise we can grow a personal sense of wellbeing. Even beauty and appreciating the sunrise can set the tone for the day and relieve stress from its start.  

Good and open  communication are key to happiness. However, at any stage of life, and no matter how hard we work to avoid it, sickness and debilitating chronic disease can upset family equilibrium.  Patience, tolerance and love are likely to be tested to the limit. Support on many levels is necessary for a sick person and a carer. 

Happiness should not make families inward looking but be an invitation to look further, at the greater family of creation, the needs of others and the joys that can be shared.   

Reflect, share, act. Scripture:     The Lord is gracious and merciful, he gives food to those who fear him and keeps his covenant ever in mind. His mighty works he has shown to his people by giving them the heritage of nations. Ps 11.  Pope Francis: A healthy relationship with creation is one dimension of overall personal conversion which entails the recognition of our errors, sins, faults and failures and leads to heartfelt repentance and desire to change.  LS 218. Human ecology involves the relationship between human life and the moral law inscribed in our nature and which is necessary for the creation of a more dignified environment. Our body itself establishes us in a direct relationship with the environment and with other living beings. The acceptance of our bodies as God’s gift is vital for welcoming and accepting the entire world as a gift. Learning to accept our body, to care for it and to respect its fullest meaning in its femininity and masculinity is important in an encounter with someone who is different.  LS 155

Eco-tip and prayer I was recently told that tinned fish and chicken liver are good for anyone’s health, rich or poor. How. can these contribute to our happiness?  Pray around the K I S S principle.  (Keep it simple stupid!)