30 December. Ancestors for today.  Read, reflect, share, pray.    What role do ancestors play in the Church and society today?  Many families do continue to have a relationship with their own ancestors, honouring and communicating with them at particular family moments, but what expectations do ancestors have of them and their lifestyle and behaviour? What kind of role models were they to us?  

As families, during these holidays and with the New Year just around the corner make it a project to consider who our positive role models are, that can continue to inspire us to love one another as God loves us. They may be family members, present or past, godparents or friends.   They may be living or have lived good saintly lives or may even be martyrs of our time, caring for people or for an aspect of creation, as “the world our family of families.”  Young people in particular need positive role models to imitate  and emulate.  A good and simple yardstick to measure with is the quotation from the prophet Micah. “What the Lord asks of you simply is this, “Act justly. Love tenderly and walk humbly with your God.” Micah  6:8   

The Church is exploring this more since the time of the 2nd Vatican Council, but with greater emphasis today, since the Synod on Synodality on the role of the laity. The Church is looking into its own possible candidates for sainthood amongst lay people, couples and individuals. These could be considered in a similar light as our personal ancestors, but their lifestyle is closely scrutinized. In 2015 Benedict Daswa, a school teacher and family man from Venda in South Africa, who was murdered for his rejection of witchcraft, was beatified as the 1st important step in the process to formal sainthood. At present a very devout lay couple from Johannesburg have been proposed for investigation. Domitilla Hyams, with her husband Danny.  She founded Little Eden, which has grown to have two centres catering for severely disabled children and adults, providing a home and care.   

Scripture: “May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life! May you see your children’s children!” Ps 128:5-6.   Pope Francis:  There are no lasting changes without cultural changes and there are no cultural changes without personal changes.  LD 70.