June 17. At the youth group after the tough message of Youth Day a powerful and positive talk on youth sexuality and its spirituality was given by a Theology of the Body team. A number of the youth asked to go on a Love Matters programme too that they had heard about. “Spending a weekend like that will help to confirm us in our beliefs and our hopes and dreams,” Jane said.
Reflect, share, act. Scripture:. On behalf of Christ be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness God. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21. Pope Francis: Young people need to have their freedom respected, yet they also need to be accompanied. The family should be the first place of accompaniment. Youth ministry can present the ideal of life in Christ as the process of building a house on rock. For most young that house, their life, will be built on marriage and married love in future. That is why youth ministry and the pastoral care of families should be coordinated and integrated with the aim of ensuring a continuous and suitable accompaniment of the vocational process. CV 242
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