February 4.    Those involved in living the Jubilee Year of Hope are aware that what is expected is a new ardour, a stronger and more expressive faith built on a deeper relationship with Jesus.  This is particularly clear in Pope Francis’ document on the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Faith and love are closely related with hope being built on faith and sustained by love.  “I wish that my faith was strong like that,” Johannes said to himself and he prayed each day. “My hope is that I can make my faith and relationship with Jesus grow and at the same time with Gloria my wife too?”     

Reflect, share. Scripture: There was a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve years.  She had heard the reports about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment. Jesus asked, “who touched me,” and then added, “Woman your faith has healed you.”  Mark 5:21-43. Pope Francis:  Love does realise that though things may not always turn out as we wish God may well make crooked lines straight and draw some good from the evil we endure in this world. AL 116.   JUBILEE Many people feel safer constructing their systems of thought in the more readily controllable domain of intelligence and will. The failure to make room for the heart, as distinct from our human powers and passions viewed in isolation from one another, has resulted in a stunting of the idea of a personal centre, in which love, in the end, is the one reality that can unify all the others. DN 10.  Prayer and action :  Pray for an increase in faith and love and in a special way for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Choose appropriate action.