25. January 25. Conversion of St Paul.  Josie had read a reflection on the story of Saul,  seeing a blinding light and falling off his horse and hearing a voice saying, “Why do you persecute me?”  But possibly Saul didn’t actually see Jesus and it wasn’t Jesus himself who was being persecuted. It was Jesus present in the Church, in his followers.    Could Jesus ask you and me that question today, “Why do you persecute me, and how?” Jesus could say through abuse, bullying, cruelty to animals, lack of commitment in relationships or to the value of life, or deliberately hurting  others and destruction of creation? Do we each need a conversion experience and to make a commitment to root out a particular fault we have?

Reflect, share.  Scripture:  I heard a voice saying, “Saul, Saul, why do  you persecute me? ”  from Acts 22:3-16 ,

Pope Francis. I thank him who has given me strength for this.  Paul’s words make us reflect on our lives and see God’s mercy at work in changing, converting and reforming our hearts.  MM 11.  JUBILEE The death and resurrection of Jesus is the heart of our faith and the basis of our hope. Saint Paul states this succinctly by the use of four verbs: “I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received; Christ died, was buried, was raised and appeared. For our sake, Jesus experienced the drama of death. The Father’s love raised him in the power of the Spirit, and made of his humanity the first fruits of our eternal salvation. Christian hope consists in this: that in facing death, which appears to be the end of everything, we have the certainty that, thanks to the grace of Christ imparted to us in Baptism, “life is changed, not ended”, forever.  Jub25, SNC 20.  Pray: for the need for personal conversion and a decrease in persecution on grounds of religious beliefs. Choose appropriate action.