January 28. The group of widowed women met once a month to offer one another support and share the experiences of their lives. “Today would have been my 58th wedding anniversary,” Toni shared. “I still miss him after 25 years but I’ve learned to live my own life.” “My son has been very good to me, he sends me money but I never see him.” “I have ended up looking after my daughter’s children while she is at work but she does come home every night.” “Without my neighbour I wouldn’t have been able to survive, not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually. We are like sisters, closer even then my own sister.” “That is good but also sad because I still believe there is something really special about one’s blood relatives. Reflect, share. Scripture: At that time the mother of Jesus and his brothers came. Jesus said, “Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” Pope Francis: The larger family should provide love and support to teenage mothers, children without parents, single mothers, persons with disabilities, separated or widowed who are alone. AL 197. JUBILEE. The elderly, who frequently feel lonely and abandoned, also deserve signs of hope. Esteem for the treasure that they are, their life experiences, their accumulated wisdom and the contribution that they can still make, is incumbent on the Christian community and civil society, which are called to cooperate in strengthening the covenant between generations. Grandparents represent the passing on of faith and wisdom to the younger generation. May they find support in the gratitude of their children and the love of their grandchildren, who discover in them their roots and a source of understanding and encouragement. Jub25. 14. Pray: for commitment and care for the elderly and those in need. Choose appropriate action

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