July 21. 16th Sunday year  B.  Fr Joseph liked the image of those being far away and those being near in the letter to the Ephesians and the importance of peace between them. In his homily he said, “I know that the letter was referring to Gentiles and Jews at that time, but are there not still places of conflict today?    There is a need for peace in many ways, also between the generations.  A commitment to the elderly on the part of their children and grandchildren would be a good example of peace-building. How is that relationship in each of your families, especially where so many have split up and moved away?  Do you elderly feel like strangers to those from far away?

Reflect, share, scripture: Christ came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near, for through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.  Eph 2:18    Pope Francis:   The Church lives within the communion of saints. Their holiness comes to the aid of our weakness in a way that enables the Church with her prayers and way of life to fortify the weakness of some with the strength of others. MV22.    ACTION AND PRAYER This month why not ask one another how you feel about the distance between the generations.