May 1. Workers Day. The Joseph the Worker. Workers’ Day has for the last century been about the struggle for the rights of workers, a battle between employers and employees mainly about wages. Deacon Masibi had been a shop steward in his day and with other union members was pleased that the Church also made its contribution to workers’ rights. He told the members of the parenting group that 1st May was adopted by the communists as May Day, Workers’ Day, to commemorate the struggle for worker’s rights. In 1955 by making it a commemoration of St Joseph the Worker, Pope Pius XII added the Catholic Christian dimension as well as a focus on St Joseph himself who is an example for all workers. Catholic Social Teaching has a number of documents on the issue as the situation has changed over time. “But this is not just for us adults as workers alone, but also for us as parents to share with our children as they recognise the value of work and learn from doing their chores. Is life too easy for them these days? What do you think?” he asked the group.
Reflect, share, act. Scripture. “Whatever your task, work heartily, as serving the Lord and not men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward you are serving the Lord Christ. Col 3:24. Pope Francis: Labour makes possible the development of society and provides for the sustenance, stability and fruitfulness of one’s family. We can appreciate the suffering created by unemployment. AL 24- 25. We were created with a vocation to work. Work is a necessity , part of the meaning of life on this earth, a path to growth, human development and personal fulfilment. LS128. Pray. Mary, loving wife of Joseph, together you worked to build your family, pray for us.
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