June 3. UGANDA MARTYRS.   Some of the families in the parish knew of the 22 Uganda Martyrs, including St Charles Lwanga and St Kizito as well as some Anglican youth.  They told the stories of the horrific and cruel ways in which these men had died in the 1880s at the command of the king.  They were laid on mats, rolled up,  tied and burned to death.       Some were young boys, the youngest being Kizito, one was the ruler’s own son and others were officials at the court who disagreed with the ruler and protected some of the young pages from his homosexual demands. St Kizito, the youngest was 13 years old and is a patron saint for children. He was brave and joyful and sang as they were put on the pyre.

Reflect, share, scripture:  Neither death, not life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things, present, nor things to come, not anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Rom 8:39. Pope Francis: The heart of the Church is full of young saints who devoted their lives to Christ, many of them even to dying a martyr’s death.  They were precious reflections of the young Christ. Their radiant witness encourages us and awakens us from our lethargy.  They have allowed the features of youth to shine forth in all their beauty, and in their day they have been real prophets of change.  Letter to Youth.     ACTION AND PRAYER.  Share with children on stories of young saints and martyrs and their strong love of God. Pray for courage to do right.