JULY OVERVIEW. Grandparents are families’ roots.  Old age has traditionally been recognized with respect in many cultures and families, where they are guarded by their offspring and the wider community, in animal as well as human society.  This is changing now, but grandparents still belong in families and are its historical memory.  Not all grandparents are elderly, many are active in their own lives, many others play a great role in the lives of their children, practically and spiritually.  Celebrate with them during this month, conscious that neglect and violence towards the elderly is too common. Pope Francis has made the last Sunday in July a special day of celebration of Grandparents and the Elderly. His theme for 2024 shows his understanding of the loneliness and abandonment experienced by the elderly.  Pope Francis: “Do not cast me off in my old age.”   God never abandons his children, even when our age advances and our powers decline, when our hair grows white and our role in society lessens, when our lives become less productive and can risk appearing useless. Using the OT example of Ruth who remained with her mother-in-law let us show tender love to the elderly and remain close to them as they play their unique role in the family, society and the Church.  2024 Message  


July 1.  Joseph and Theresa had been married for 52 years and as they sat together in the evenings they would think back on all they had done. He shared, “Although it wasn’t my job, woodwork used to be my hobby and my losing one’s capabilities is natural, but there are times when I resent it and see it almost as a punishment. Do you think that is crazy, my dear?”  “Well, that is normal but I think what is a bigger problem is that society and even our own family can be inclined to push us aside, neglect us and our needs.” she replied. 

Reflect, share, scripture:    Thus says the Lord, “I will not revoke the punishment because they sell the righteousness for silver and the needy for a pair of shoes – they trample the head of the poor into the dust of the earth and turn aside the way of the afflicted. From Amos 2:6-16. Pope Francis:   A family that fails to respect and cherish its grandparents, who are its living memory is already in decline. A society that has no room for the elderly or discards them because they create a problem has a deadly virus.  It is torn from its roots.  AL 193.   ACTION AND PRAYER.  As elderly and for elderly consider how responsible your behaviour has been.  Pray and work for reconciliation.