July 6.  St Maria Goretti.  Mama Brigitte liked to tell the story of little Maria Goretti who lived in Italy in the 19th century. She had been taught to love God and follow his ways.  When a young man, a tenant in their house, tried to rape her she resisted and he killed her. The young man later repented and for many years worked in the Church.  Maria was canonised and declared to be a model for young girls and for boys too.  We, even the elderly  all need to be strengthened in our faith as we face temptation and know that God is with us wherever we go.

Reflect, share, scripture:  Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you.  You are not your own, you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.  From 1 Cor 13-20   Pope Francis:   The sexual abuse of children is all the more scandalous when it occurs in places where they ought to be most safe, particularly in families, schools, communities and Christian institutions. AL 45.   ACTION AND PRAYER.    Educate yourselves about the safeguarding  programme.