Stations of the Cross for the Bereaved and Stations of the Cross for the Widowed available from MARFAM .

November 10.  Sunday 32BGod in whom we trust.   When Mrs Mondlana’s husband died unexpectedly he left her with two teenage children and obviously many expenses.  Besides dealing with her own grief and that of the children she was very upset and shocked at the way his family treated her after the funeral.  They blamed her for his death, saying she had bewitched him and then his brothers came and told her to leave the house as it belonged to their family. She didn’t know what to do except turn to the women in the sodality for help. She knew the other poor widows would be there for her.  

Reflect, share, act. Scripture:  Elijah asked, “bring me a morsel of bread”. She said, ”As the Lord your God lives, I have nothing baked, only a handful of meal in a jar and a little oil in a pitcher and now I am gathering a couple of sticks that I may go in and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it and die.”  1 Kings 17:10-16.  Pope Francis:  For the poor to overcome their oppressive situation, they need to sense the presence of brothers and sisters who are concerned for them and, by opening the doors of their hearts and lives, make them feel like friends and family. Only in this way can the poor discover “the saving power at work in their lives” Message for the 2nd World Day of the Poor 6.   Eco-tip and prayer: Creator God in this month of commemoration of loss and death comfort us in our pain and strengthen us in our understanding that you never abandon us and care for each of your creatures day by day.